- balloon
- vaseline
- Elmer’s Glue (looks like she is using about an 8oz bottle)
- flour
- water
- doilies (heavy fabric ones)
- paint brush
- mixing bowl
- light kit
- scissors
- straight pin
After you have gotten all your supplies together, blow up your ballon and follow the directions in the video:
I am picturing this lantern in a fun multi-color version, too. I would love to see if I could find these doilies in different colors. My daughter would LOVE that.
Have you ever done a balloon-lantern before? Did you use something other than twine, yarn or doilies? Please tell us your creative ideas!
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That looks like a mess
You can add food coloring to the glue mix.If you want it to look Ty-dyed split glue mix into 3 bowls and add a different color to each it looks great.
Chelsey DeGrave Heres a project for you!! <3
How do you close the opening that the light fits through. So that it will fit tightly around light fixture.
Charlotte Lewis want list! for sure.
love your work
Wow……love this
could always dye the doilies first
I would be afraid they would catch on fire bulbs do get very hot
This is really cute.
Steven Adderholt
Sandy Kochersperger
beware of the flour in this project. Depending on your climate, it can attract bugs.
Be sure light bulb does not heat up. A forgotten lantern left on for a long period of time may prove flammable.