It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Mixed Her Urine With Toothpaste To Answer A Very Important Question!

This second way uses toothpaste.  Again, so simple and if you are testing yourself day after day just waiting for that positive result, you should try this because buying more and more tests can really hit your wallet hard.



Proventricks says:

If you plan to try the toothpaste pregnancy test, make sure you are using plain white toothpaste. Do not use anything with gel or any other additives.
When you mix toothpaste and morning urine together, there are two possible indications of pregnancy. If the toothpaste turns light blue in color, it is a sign you are pregnant. If the color stays the same, you might not be pregnant. If the toothpaste starts to foam, froth, or fizz, it is another indication that you are pregnant.

Do you know of any other homemade pregnancy tests?  Please share them with us and share these ideas with your friends!   I WISH someone had informed me about this!

Thank you to proventricks for this awesome article inspiration and photos!

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