It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Puts A Small Funnel Into This Nail Polish Bottle To Make Something Beautiful!

Making your own beauty supplies isn’t something most of us do on a regular basis but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun in this area once in a while.

Chances are that you don’t have every color nail polish that you want but there is a chance that you have some eye shadow lying around that you haven’t used for a while.

Click through to see how to put it to good use…

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  1. Linda Werner says:

    Check this out jessi n teresa n kristi

  2. Monica Wince says:

    Madison WamBam. Morgan Wambold

  3. Here ya go Jessica Hart

  4. Stephanie… think gel nails…

  5. Laura White says:

    Nikki Noel Wright-Hammons

  6. Debra Mae says:

    Brianna Birk Aimee Mills Jennifer Roberts Jennifer Jimerson

  7. I did try this out and now have more of the color polish I love,I used the clear gel polish

  8. Maria Hart says:

    Great idea I am trying this!

  9. Hey Allison Bomgardner check this out

  10. that is cool mamma I’m gonna try it thanks!!!!

  11. Leeah Hawes. Jessica Harris. Rosemary Wood

  12. Pretty damn neat

  13. Chrissy Lynn says:

    That’s pretty cool!

  14. Rebecca Ivey says:

    This is pretty cool!

  15. I have to try this thank u

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