It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Puts These 2 Eggs In A Ziplock And What She Does Next Is REMARKABLE!

Cooking eggs for a big group is a hassle!  Everyone wants their eggs their way and there is no room for negotiation.  So, you have to cook up each order one at time and this can be a never-ending process.

“This is not an omelette bar, PEOPLE!”

But wait!  Here is an amazing solution to give everybody exactly what they want and to give you the ability to cook all the eggs at once.

Click through to see it…

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  1. Works great. Write everyone’s name on the bag first.

  2. Brittany Chalkley Danielle Chalkley Kohler

  3. Sara and Rob this is so cool for camping.

  4. Rob Flate says:

    but is it REMARKABLE?

  5. how long do you cook it?

  6. Anything related to is so important

  7. Tried it, didn’t work out that great. Hard to get out of the bag.

  8. Gonna try this !!!!!

  9. When I taught cooking classes this was always one of my labs. The students loved it. Great for camping too

  10. Tried it …I can cook in pan faster than it takes that way

  11. Julia Child’s 101

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