It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Turned These Bananas Black But…Surprise! They Are Actually Perfect!

First of all, my tip for being stuck with a few over-ripe bananas is to peel them, wrap them in foil and freeze.  I use them endlessly in smoothies and a banana never goes to waste.

In the case of needing over-ripe bananas, according to cleangreensimple, all you need to do is:

Simply spread your bananas (with the peels ON, please) on a cookie sheet and pop them in the oven at 300 degrees for an hour. Yeah, really, that’s all it takes. They will come out looking frighteningly black.

Don’t worry about the blackness of the peels, the inside will be soft and ready for baking.  The heat of the oven will activate the sugars in the fruit and speed up the ripening process.

Perfect for a delicious banana bread!



Do you have any banana secrets?  Such as the right way to peel a banana? Please share!

Thanks to cleangreensimple for the tip and the featured pic!



1 Comment

  1. Works like a charm! I’ve done this on a couple of occasions for banana bread.

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