It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Upcycled This Old Globe In SUCH A Cool Way!!

All you would need to execute this awesome project is your globe, the appropiate cutting tool, and a pedestal of some sort.

Check out how cool!!


As you can see, they used a glass pedestal that seems to have come from a cake stand, perhaps?  You could use a block of reclaimed wood and glue it down, or you could do something very inconspicuous like a small piece of metal on the bottom that could barely been seen and just prevents it from rolling over.

You would also have to estimate the proper cutting tool depending on your globe.  An X-Acto knife might just do the job and a light feather sand to smooth out the edges.

Obviously you could make 2 of these awesome centerpieces and I would be happy to take the second one off your hands!!

Do you have old globes?  Any that you would be willing to slice in half?

Thanks to bhg for this beautiful idea and photo!

featured image source

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