It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

She Used Circles Cut From Poster Board To Make Something Glamorous For Her Home!

It has become quite clear to me that you do not ever have to spend a lot of money on art to have a home filled with great art.

There is so much you can do with some wood and some spray paint, or with a canvas, or even with cereal boxes!

You can do all of these on you own whether you are an artist or not.  Click through to see another amazing piece of wall art you can make…

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  1. Then she sprayed it gold, framed and hung it….Yw

  2. Mary Voss says:

    Gloria Siefkes, want this in my dining room, where can I get the circle cutter?

  3. This is so cool, I love it!

  4. Who else thinks is cool

  5. Could use different colors and make a pattern with the circles

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