It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Best Way To Clean GUNK Off Your Kitchen Cabinets

No matter how much you clean, there are things that get neglected.

I am not making this up that JUST this morning I happened to be sitting on the kitchen floor helping my little girl eat an open-face egg sandwich when I looked up at my spice drawer and was grossed out by the caked on gunk on the drawer and the handle which you cannot see from a standing position.

Then I happened to come across this wonderful DIY recipe for cleaning that stuff off but GOOD.

So when you can get around to it, this concoction is here for you.  Your pretty cabinets are still there!  They are just hiding behind a few years of fingerprints, kitchen grease and tiny bits of food.

Click though to get this recipe!

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