It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Clean Freak In Me Is Why I Also Cut Holes In Cloth Napkins!

I don’t pay anyone to clean my house so any tips to clean faster or prevent things from getting dirty in the first place are extremely welcomed!

Check out this video to add these to your arsenal of tricks.

Here is another tip:  start every day with a glass of water and fresh lemon juice, throw the lemon down the garbage disposal after every glass and kill two birds with one stone!

Got any other tips and tricks?  Love to hear them!



  1. Kasie May says:

    That lemon in the disposal trick is a good way to clog, if not ruin your disposal. Better off tossing a dishwasher pack in there with a little bleach and running hot water while its going.

  2. Trish Farmer says:

    2clicks and no answer?

  3. Richard Gay says:

    Sooo much click bait

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