It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The EASIEST Way To Cook A Whole Pumpkin!

Having fresh pureed pumpkin on hand during the fall season is a wonderful thing!

There are so many ways to use it.  Soups, pumpkin breads, pies, baby food…the list goes on.

It might seem like a daunting task to cook a pumpkin but I assure you it is not.

Click through to see how easy it is!

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  1. Lee Ann says:

    When I was a kid, we made jackolanterns on Halloween day. put them out with a stick up light in them (the kind we used to use in closets with no electricity). then the next morning, we’d all put our jackolanterns in the oven in a 13×9 pan and cook them at 350 for about four hours. When they are falling apart, leaning over, etc. we’d take them out, let them cool off, then take the meaty part of the pumpkin out of the shell. Of course, we cleaned them out well before making the jackolantern so there were no stringy parts. And we didn’t use a candle, which I hear makes them bad for eating. We’d just use a big spoon and scrape the pumpkin out of the shell. put in freezer bags and toss in the freezer. I never thought to use a crockpot. (of course, they didn’t have crockpots when I was a kid.) in the middle ages. lol

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