It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Reason Why She Is Stringing Cheerios Onto Dental Floss is BRILLIANT!!

If I had known this hack about stringing cheerios onto a necklace of dental floss, I would have been making these BY THE DOZEN!  I can’t even count the number of screaming grocery store meltdowns these might have prevented.

Check out the video for lots more great ideas:

Which is your favorite?  If you have any other great ideas, please share them with us! Kid hacks are the best!

Thanks whatsupmoms!


  1. Good Idea…….but I don’t think I would like dental floss around any kids neck—

  2. Patti Barnum says:

    Pretty dangerous around the neck I know they use to have candy on a string but make a bracelet it would be better

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