It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Secret To A Perfect DIY “Vintage” T-Shirt!

f75c9c1a7e559888aec65995d489d121 There is one thing she doesn’t go over in this video and that is how to AGE the logos and decals. The process she lays out here will work wonders on the shirt but may not do the trick on the logo which may remain pristine despite this distressing process.

According to MensHealth:

“Most printed shirts are screened with a resin-based material called plastisol.  You can distress the hell out of the shirt, and the plastisol logo will still be pristine.” Here’s where some elbow grease comes in. Using fine sandpaper, lightly swipe at the logo using circular but irregular strokes. “You have to make the aging look natural.”

And there you have it, folks.  I am personally super-excited about this DIY and I am ordering a gigantic bag of salt right after I post this article!

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