It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

The Simplest Way To Dismantle a Pallet With No Tools and No Splitting

This method uses a cinderblock or other cement block to pop the nails quickly with fewer splits to the wood.  The nails can even be re-used!

Check it out and let us know if you try this!

Have you seen the video we posted that shows 45 great ideas for upcycling pallets?  If you haven’t, check it out here, there is some great inspiration.

featured image from flickr


  1. That takes to much time and mucked !!! For me , it’s much easier to use a crowbar and hammer!! Haven’t ruin any yet !!

  2. Amy Lee says:

    I think I got stupider watching them

  3. The potential for injury makes this such a bad idea

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