If you have preexisting moldings but they are thinner that you like, this is an amazing way to make them nice and thick without taking anything out and without spending a fortune on new moldings.
Like these guys did.
First, measure out how thick you want your molding to be and then place a thin piece of molding at that point.
Do this all the way around the room and then prime and paint the whole area from the top trim to the floor.
People pay a fortune for molding like this! No one will ever know that is your bare wall in between the two strips of real molding.
The room really comes to life.
Nice job WiseDIYers! LOVE IT!
Have you ever installed molding in your home? Any tips or tricks you can share?
Thank you to thehouseofsmiths for this incredible money-saving idea and for all these great pics, too. You can see their site for more deets on this and other aspects of their remodel.
Fantastic idea.
Did the same thing for our crown molding.