Here is your recipe:
- 1/4 tsp dry yeast
- 1/4 brown sugar
- 1 cup lukewarm water
You will also need a plastic bottle.
- Cut the top off the plastic bottle.
- Mix up your solution.
- Pour it in the base of the bottle and put the top back on upside-down. Now, the flies an get in but cannot get out.
- The CO2 being released in the bottle will kill the flies.
Putting it in a sunny location seems to work the best as you will see in the video. (It works almost too well…it’s gross!)
Do you have a better way to handle flies? Please tell us about it!
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Who else thinks this is cool
cool gotta try it
Mallory Horning Griffin
We are doing this Luke Robinson
Terry Myers
Terriandboogie Bowen