I am a freak about hemming my jeans correctly.
I get SO upset when they end up a little too short (too long is obviously fixable but still entails a second trip to the tailor and blah, blah, blah.) But first and foremost, they MUST be shortened with the ORIGINAL HEM.
Since we all buy distressed jeans, shortening them so that the hem still has that old distressed look (that we paid SO much for) is key.
If you cut that off, and make a new hem, you have just destroyed the integrity of those jeans and the way the look hanging over your shoes or bare feet will never be as cool.
This is serious business, people.
Unfortunately, it is a lot more work for the tailor to cut off that original distressed hem and sew it back on so that it looks like your jeans were never even shortened.
I have paid $25 for this tailoring for years. And since I am only 5’4″ and I have to shorten almost every pair of pants I buy, well, you do the math.
Here is a great tutorial on how to DIY this job!!
Enjoy and let us know how this turned out for you! One note of caution, don’t try this for the first time on your new (or your oldest and most favorite) jeans, just in case you need some practice to get it perfect.
P.S. I thought this would be a good time to remind you all that you can also DISTRESS your own jeans, too. Here the link to the post I did a while back that shows you exactly how.
image source:make it-love it
Tayler Paige Helpful little hint.
I am 5’3″. I seldom have to shorten my jeans anymore.
I would just like a pair of jeans that fit right… every step I have to pull them up.. and I do wear a belt.. they just don’t fit around my waist.. they barely go to the waist so when I walk they pull at the knees and its a vicious cycle.. never use to have this problem.. just in the last few pairs I bought.. so now I have to either pull them up all the time or wear my old pairs.. I don’t know what has changed but it is nerve wracking.. by the way I have been the same shape and weight for the last 3+ years.. so it isn’t me..