Did you ever consider taking a PHOTOGRAPH of marble and then blowing it up?
Here is what whitebuffalostylingco says about it:
Yes, that is a photo of marble blown up at Staples for $3.99 a sheet. It’s 3′ x 4′. You can find great photos of marble with all different patterns on any stock photo site. I cropped mine into the exact size panels (width of 12″) that I wanted, though I don’t think you’d have to do that.
Once you get that done, you can use spray adhesive and MDF to create any number of items.
These guys created three-part, wooden and hinged frame that would make the perfect fire screen for their faux fireplace. (NOT good for a real fireplace, folks!)
They spray-painted all the wood gold and the finished product is just so luxe and beautiful!
Closer view:
Seriously, that’s so well done.
What is your secret to getting the beautiful look of marble without spending big bucks?
Thank you to whitebuffalostylingco for this amazing idea and beautiful pics! See more details of this project on their site.
I have a commission to create faux marble and this might be the answer…I just want to know if anything is sprayed on top to protect it?
I am actually not sure. You should contact the article source…the link to the site is at the bottom of the article. http://thewhitebuffalostylingco.com/diy-faux-marble-firescreen/