It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

This Mom Used Her Laundry Basket To Solve An Everyday Parenting Problem!

Of course, there are tons of products out there that you could BUY to solve this problem and you could also get in there with your baby, but mommy doesn’t necessarily want to take a bath with her sweet little on EVERYDAY.

So here is the solution to solve it all:



I just love this solution and wish I had known about it when my kids were smaller!!

Do you have a hack that makes parenting easier?

Please tell us about it!

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  1. That sounds pretty smart.

  2. Oh please did it 30 years ago, old news.

  3. I did this all the time with my kids!

  4. Jennifer Nobles Bounds. Lol

  5. Angel Turner. Carrie Hubbard

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