It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

This Old Door-Knob Thingy Looked Like A Cool Find But What She Did With It Was SO Creative!!

First she taped up the beautiful knob and painted the backing.

More house Projects! 002

After she distressed it with some sandpaper, she used Command picture handing strips to affix it to the bathroom wall.

More house Projects! 013And now that is where it remains, a very pretty towel hanger that she created all on her own!

More house Projects! 016As you can see, she also attached 2 hooks on the bottom so it could hold more towels.

So clever!

What is the best flea market transformation you have ever done?  Love to see it!

Thank you to thehouseofsmiths for this great idea!  See their site for more pics and deets of this project.


  1. Carol Weir says:

    I have these knobs on every door in my house..They are from the late 30s early 40s…Love them!!!!

  2. Carol Weir says:

    Have have a whole house full of them!!!

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