It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

What Started Out As Old and Unwanted Toys Ended Up As A Kid’s Treasure

Now that I have 3 kids all under the age of 9, I have accumulated LOTS of toys–many of which I have already given away (DOH!) and many which are still lingering in bins here and there around the house (WHEW!).

When I found this project on I had to share it! This is just the cutest thing you could put on your kid’s bedroom door and also, what a great way to repurpose all those old small toys that your kid never uses but that have sentimental value and or are just too cute to let go of.

This would be a fantastic baby shower craft, as well.  Have each on of the guests bring any small toy, new or used, and attach it to the wreath during the shower.  What a treasure you will have for your baby’s room!



Click through to see how incredibly easy this is!

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  1. I love it. I’ve never embraced the wreath as a concept, but I could definitely get into this!

  2. Tina Walton says:

    Now I know what to do with that tub of mcdonalds toys. This is great!

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