It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

Why Is He Putting Dish Soap In A Ziplock Bag? Because He Is A Very Clever Hacker!!

Have you ever had a minor injury and needed an ice pack but were disappointed to realize that you have never actually taken the time to buy one?

So you use the frozen peas or corn or whatever, that is a decent enough hack to get you through but this one is even better because you don’t have to waste you food by freezing and unfreezing it.

Check it out:

Do you have any hacks that would qualify under the NO EXCUSES heading?  Please share the with us!


  1. I hate that the i formation is hidden in even mkre advertising@

  2. Glenda Briley Frederick I watched it. All you do is fill a Ziploc bag with dish soap and put in freezer.

  3. Other uses for timberlands…it didn’t not show up I’m guessing…go to the Diy. Page at the top….sorry smile

  4. Dollar Tree…here I come for this

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