It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

You Will Never Spend Another Dime On Stain Remover!

Your recipe is:

  • 1 part Dawn dishwashing liquid
  • 2 parts hydrogen peroxide

You mix it together and pour it directly on the stain.  A spray bottle seems to be the best way to use this.

If you feel like it’s something that needs to be soaked, pour your remover into bot water and let it sit a while, then wash.


But if you are cleaning something like upholstery that cannot go into the wash, just spray and scrub.

Burn this recipe into your brain because you will be passing on to your kids.

Check out the AFTER pic of the princess chair:

chair-before1-540x304 chair-after1-540x304

Looks brand new right?

Works great on car mats and tons of other stuff, too.

Thank you to moderndaymoms for this amazing recipe!  See her site for other before and after pics and to find out how else you can use this great concoction!  (She actually got stained cloth diapers white again!!)

1 Comment

  1. Becky Howard says:

    @[100000028983256:2048:Becky Howard]

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