It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

You Will Want To Know Why She Punched A Whole Bunch Of Holes In These Lunch Bags!

You probably normally throw all your onions, garlic and shallots in a basket either in a drawer or on the counter.


Get yourself a bag of ordinary paper lunch bags and a hole punch.

Punch the bag full of holes like so:


Label each bag with a Sharpie and fill it with your stock.

Here is what has to say about it:


-onions, garlic, and/or shallots–make sure they are firm and blemish free. If you buy in bulk and find one that has rotten spots or a soft texture, cut off the bad part and use it right away; or toss it so it doesn’t contaminate the others.
-brown paper lunch bags
-hole punch
-paper clips


1. Fold flattened paper bag lengthwise and punch holes along one long edge, approx. 1″ apart, punching through multiple layers at one time.

2. Flip bag over and punch along opposite side.

3. Open bag, insert onions, garlic or shallots; fill the bag up to half full.

4. Fold top of bag over 2-3 times, label the top with a marker, and use a paper clip to hold the top in place.

5. Store filled bags in cool, dark place, so that air can circulate between the bags.

According to theyummylife, this will make them last up to 3 months or longer!!

Do you have a food storage hack you can share with us?

Thank you to theyummylife for this wonderful tip and great pics!  See her site for lots more pics and deets on this hack plus a few do’s and don’ts.

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