It's WISE to DIY: Thrify Ideas for the Do-It-Yourselfer

You Won’t Believe How Easy It Is To Get Your Plastic Cutting Board Looking Brand New

Here is how you will get that old cutting board looking new.


  1. Mix 10 drops of lemon essential oil with 1/2 cup of water.  (You can double this if needed.)
  2. Soak a sponge with an abrasive side in it.


3. Scrub your cutting board thoroughly with the soaked sponge. Do not wipe or rinse.

4. Leave the board in the sun all day or even more.

5. That’s it!

The lemon oil and sunshine will get rid of the stains!

Do you have a secret to getting something old looking new?  Please tell us so we can share it with our readers!

Thank you to onegoodthingbyjillee for this amazing tip and pictures!  See her site for more pics!


  1. Masterofdiy says:

    The best – love it 😀

  2. Dalene Weiss says:

    if I did this now & put it in the sun it would freeze. Even with sun out its below zero here……… 😀

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